10 Yoga Poses You Can Practice at Work to Relieve Stress
How many hours do you sit at your desk at work everyday? 8 hours? 10 hours?
And how often do you take a break away from your desk? Every hour? Every 3 hours?
I have to admit, I can’t sit still for more than 30 minutes! So sitting down all day at my desk in the office is a real struggle for me.
There is increasing evidence that spending too much time at your desk sitting leads to overweight, obesity, diabetes, and even some types of cancer.
I take a break every 30 – 45 minutes or so to move my body and do some Yoga poses and stretches. I also do some stretches at my desk. If I don’t take a regular break, I get a really bad headache and build tensions around my neck and shoulders and as a result, my productivity level decreases.
You might feel a little shy doing some stretches at your desk or feel bad or worry about what your boss will think of you for taking a regular break from your desk, but I highly encourage you to make time to do this!
If your boss complains about you taking a regular break (like my boss did years ago), tell your boss that you need to have a regular break to do some stretches for your own health & wellbeing. And that it helps you to become more productive and perform better at your job.
In this blog I share some quick stretches you can do at your desk and some Yoga poses and stretches you can do in the toilet or in a free meeting room.
At Your Desk
Neck Stretches
1) Drop your chin to your chest and then drop your head back slowly. Repeat 5-7 times
2) Then bring your right hand down and hold the side of the seat. Tilt your head towards the left, feel the stretch through the right side of the neck. If you like a deeper stretch, bring your left hand to the side of your head putting the weight on. You should feel a deeper stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and do the same on the left side.
3) Now roll your head gently in a circle 5 times in each direction
Seated Cat and Cow
1) Bring your hands on your knees, inhale lift your chest roll your shoulders back
2) And exhale round your spine, bring your chin towards your chest
3) Repeat 5-7 times
Seated Twist
1) Bring your left hand to the outer edge of your right leg and rest your right forearm on the top of the backrest.
2) Inhale lift through the spine and exhale and twist gently to the right.
3) Hold for 5-7 breaths
4) Do the same on the left side
Seated Moon Pose
1) Inhale reach your arms up towards the ceiling, palms facing and interlace your fingers.
2) Exhale relax your shoulders and bring your arms behind your ears.
3) Take another inhale and stretch your arms up and as you exhale bring your arms to the right to stretch the left side of the body. Hold for 5-7 breaths.
4) Do the same on the right side.
Eagle Arms Seated Forward
1) Inhale and bring your arms out to the side. Exhale bring your arms to your chestplace your right elbow on top of the left inner elbow and gently wrap your left hand around right palm.
2) Inhale reach your arms up and exhale bring your hands away from your forehead.
3) Take another inhale and as you exhale, slowly round your spine and bring your elbows towards your belly. Hold for 5-7 breath.
4) Inhale slowly coming back up and lift your chest and bring your elbows away from your chest for a gentle backbend. Hold for 5-7 breath.
5) Inhale and slowly release your hands and arms. Give your arms a little shake and roll your shoulders back and forward a few times.
Away From Your Desk
Downward Facing Dog Against Wall
1) Stand facing a wall about a leg’s length away.
2) Place your palms against the wall – between elbow to waist height.
3) Press your palms against the wall as you lengthen your spine. Your back should be at right angles to the wall. If your hamstring feels a little tight bend your knees slightly.
4) Make sure your neck is lengthened, facing the floor. Hold for 5-7 breaths.
5) Slowly come up after 5-7 breathes.
Shoulder Opener
1) Place your right forearm against the wall about shoulder height, standing at right angles to the wall
2) Roll your right shoulder back and hold for 30 seconds
3) Do the same on the left side
The Triangle Pose
1) Inhale step wide with your right leg to the back of the mat and extend your arms to the side with palms facing forward.
2) As you exhale, point your right foot towards the back of the mat, with your left foot pointing toward the side of the mat – keep your heels in line with each other.
3) Inhale lift through the chest and as you exhale look towards your left hands and slowly leaning onto the right side and reach your right hand towards your right shin or ankle without bending your right knee. And reach your left arm up towards the ceiling. Gaze towards your left hand and hold for 5-7 breaths. Make sure to roll your left hip back, lift your left hip high and keep your chest open with shoulders aligned with one another.
4) Do the same on the left side
Moon Pose
1) Stand with your feet together (or slightly apart) and ground through the feet.
2) Inhale and reach your arms up towards the ceiling and interlace your fingers with palms pressing together. Relax your shoulders and bring your arms behind your ears.
3) As you exhale take a side stretch to the right. Keep equal weight on each foot. Engage your core, torso and back. Make sure that both hips are facing forward, chest lifted and open and chin lifted. Hold for 5-7 breaths.
4) Inhale and reach your arms up towards the ceiling, come back to centre, and as you exhale take a side stretch to the left. Hold for 5-7 breaths.
5) Inhale and reach your arms up towards the ceiling and as you exhale, slowly lower your hands and bring your palms together at heart centre.
Forward Bend with Interlacing Fingers Behind the Back
1) Separate your feet apart about hip distance. Bring your arms behind your back and interlace your fingers.
2) Inhale lift your chest and as you exhale slowly fall forward.
3) Squeeze your shoulder blaze as you lift your arms up towards the ceiling.
4) Relax your head and hold for 5-7 breaths.
5) Inhale slowly come back up and release your hands.
Remember, you don’t need to do all these Yoga poses in one break! Pick one Yoga pose for each break and focus on that pose. You should feel much better afterwards and ready to get back to work!
If you are interested in incorporating a regular Yoga practice in your life, it’s important to practice Yoga according to your mind-body type – your Ayurvedic Dosha to maximize the benefits of Yoga.
To find out your mind-body type, take my Dosha quiz today and discover what style of Yoga and Yoga poses are best for your Ayurvedic mind-body type!