A Simple Way to Start Your Ayurvedic Diet

A Simple Way to Start Your Ayurvedic Diet

One of the simplest ways to start your Ayurvedic diet is to start eating in line with the seasons.

These days so many diets, chefs and influencers totally ignore the seasons in their recommendations and recipes and many of us have got used to buying what we want when we want. The supermarkets many of us shop in are season blind. My local store’s ‘fresh’ veg isles barely changes throughout the year.

If you are like me you will have probably tried many different recipes calling for a wide range of exotic or unseasonal produce. I also often find recipes I want to try out of the season they were designed for.

This can make eating seasonally feel like a challenge or not really anything we should worry about. There are however some major issues with this we need to consider. Basically eating seasonally is super important.

Ayurveda strongly advocates the eating of seasonal produce as many of these vegetables contain what our bodies need for that season. For example in autumn (fall) and winter many of us need grounding nourishing foods such as pumpkins & squash which are in season in autumn through to winter.

The good news is that for many of us eating seasonally is easier than you think.

But you may be thinking, well I’m not actually sure what is in season? I know the feeling! (as we all know we can’t trust the isles of our supermarket to tell us).

Check out your local veg box scheme

Fortunately there are easy ways of finding this out. Why not visit the website of your local veg box scheme – see what they are offering this week or next. Maybe sign up if you like what they offer.

Visit your local farmers market

Alternatively visit your local farmers market if you have one and see what they are offering – talk to them and see where the food comes from. Most will be more than happy to tell you and this will help you emotionally connect with what you are buying, which is in my view part of the joy of eating.

Eating seasonally also means we are more likely to be eating locally produced foods. This is usually not only more sustainable, but also supports your local economy. Veg boxes & farmers markets are a great place to help you do this.

A Simple Way to Start Your Ayurvedic Diet

Trying recipes that have out of season ingredients

You may also want to try a new recipe that has some out of season produce in it. Where possible (and this is not always the case, so don’t stress too much) try and substitute.

Ayurveda is all about balancing certain types of food – augmenting & extractive. As long as you understand the difference (which isn’t difficult once you know how), you can experiment with swapping certain ingredients out for more seasonal ones. Alternatively find a different recipe and save the other for later in the year.

So hopefully you now understand a little more about the importance of eating seasonally, but also how to work out what is actually in season. For me this connection to earth’s natural rhythms and my local area is life affirming.

P.S. If you are curious to discover what food and lifestyle choices and Yoga style to practice for your specific mind-body type, the first step is to take my Dosha quiz and discover your Ayurvedic Dosha – your mind-body type!

You will then receive some practical tips & recommendation on which foods, lifestyle habits and Yoga style are best for your specific Dosha.