Episode 10

My Yoga Journey to Mark the 10 Year Anniversary
of Being a Yoga Teacher

with Risa Kawamoto

The Journey Podcast: Why I Created The Journey Podcast

Episode 10

My Yoga Journey to Mark the 10 Year Anniversary of Being a Yoga Teacher

with Risa Kawamoto

The Journey Podcast: Why I Created The Journey Podcast

Welcome to another episode of the Journey Podcast!

In this episode, I’m sharing my own personal Yoga journey to mark the 10 year anniversary of being a Yoga teacher, including my experiences as a person of colour Yoga teacher and my thoughts on the current Yoga industry.

This is something I’ve been wanting to share since I launched my podcast back in 2022. 

Highlights of the episode:

  • What is Yoga?
  • My first Yoga class at the age of 21
  • Started practicing Yoga regularly at the age of 29
  • Discovering Ayurveda
  • First 200 hour Yoga teacher training in 2014
  • My experience and challenges during the training 
  • Positive things that came out of the training 
  • Teaching private group Yoga classes 
  • Venturing out to online marketing & business coaching/consulting and web design
  • Yoga as a physical practice and advanced Yoga poses 
  • Rediscovering Ayurveda and my second Yoga teacher training in India 
  • Yoga as a way of life 
  • Getting clear with my core values 
  • The state of current Yoga industry 
  • My mission to offer accessible and inclusive Yoga
  • What training I’ve been doing 

The Journey Podcast is all about sharing the journeys of purpose-driven individuals from all walks of life who are following their passion and fulfilling their purpose in their own unique way. 

If you enjoyed this episode or inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me @risa_kawamoto  

Fall in Love with Your Career Again!

If you are a passionate aspiring leader, who wants to be more confident and secure your next promotion or new role, but as an introvert you find yourself having to present yourself as someone you are not and are struggling to progress in your career in what is mostly a corporate world that seems to celebrate and value extroverts, I would love to invite you to my 1:1 coaching programme – Embody Your Authentic Self. 

Embody Your Authentic Self is a 6-month journey where you will develop the confidence to showcase your talents and skills, speak up in meetings and ultimately feel more energised, motivated to progress in your career and love your job once again.

If this interests you, I’d love to invite you to schedule a discovery call with me. I look forward to connecting with you!

Risa Kawamoto (she/her)

Risa Kawamoto (she/her)


Hi, I’m Risa! I’m a Career & Confidence Coach, Yoga Teacher and the host of the Journey Podcast.

I help and guide introverts who want to feel more confident, get recognised for their hard work and secure their next promotion or new role, using the powerful tools of somatic (body-focused) practices, transformational coaching and Yogic wisdom.