A New Year Intention Setting Yoga, Meditation & Journaling Workshop
Many people like to set themselves New Year’s resolutions in January – you might not call it a resolution, you might call it a goal or intention.
Whether you have already set your New Year’s resolution or goals, are in the process of setting them or are struggling to find the best way to set them, this workshop is designed for you!
We begin with a soundwork – chanting Genesha Mantra and then Gayatri Kriya – a Yoga sequence for balancing all Doshas, Ayurvedic Mind-Body Type..
If you’re new to Ayurveda or even you have taken a Dosha quiz before this one will reveal something new – I promise 😊 Take this quiz and discover your Ayurvedic Dosha (mind-body type), uncover your strengths and weaknesses, and find out what might be holding you back from living your best life.
We’ll then end with a short guided meditation which is designed to help you set an overarching intention for 2024.
Make sure you have a pen and journal with you as we’ll go through a journaling exercise after a short meditation!
Mantra used in this workshop:
Ganesha Mantra – Remover of obstacles
“Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha”
Mudra used in this workshop:
Jnana Mudra – the core quality is awakening clear seeing
Jnana means “wisdom” and Jnana mudra directs our awareness to the third eye, our center of spiritual clarity and one-pointed concentration, deepening our ability to witness consciously.
Journaling Prompts:
Write down all the qualities you saw in the visualisation.
Write down all the feelings and emotions you experienced.
Write down your overarching intention for 2024 (Your intention should be short, concise, in present tense as it has already happened!).
4 Goals of Life:
In Vedic philosophy, which is thought to have originated over 5,000 years ago, describes 4 aims of life – and suggests that it’s important to balance against another.
1) Dharma – Duties & Life Purpose:
- Your health
- Your family, parents, siblings and your husband, partner and children
- Life purpose – your souls work
2) Artha: Income & Prosperity
3) Kama: Pleasure and fun
4) Moksha: Spiritual freedom
Journaling Prompts:
Spend some time to have a think about which area of these 4 aims that you feel balanced and out of balance.
Which of these areas can you improve to help you be in alignment of your overarching intention?
I hope you enjoy the workshop and I would love it if you could share with me how you enjoyed the workshop via DM on Instagram!
If you’re new to Ayurveda or even you have taken a Dosha quiz before this one will reveal something new – I promise 😊 Take this quiz and discover your Ayurvedic Dosha (mind-body type), uncover your strengths and weaknesses, and find out what might be holding you back from living your best life.
Please feel free to forward this to a friend, colleague or family member who you feel could benefit.