How to Reconnect with Nature – Feel Grounded, Uplifted and Energised
Photo by Jason Ortego on Unsplash
The principles of Ayurveda are all about living in harmony with nature.
So this is not recent knowledge but something we have collectively forgotten over time. It’s time to re-embrace these connections and bring them into your life on a daily basis.
Do you consider yourself as part of nature?
Or do you think of nature as something ‘out there’ maybe in the forest or fields or sea?
Our modern lives have done much to separate us from nature.
We sleep in concrete boxes, not under the stars, we go to work and stare at screens for hours on end, we go to the shops and supermarkets to buy our food, not grow it ourselves and feel the earth between our fingers.
Looking at it this way it is not surprising that we feel that we are somehow different to other animals, or nature as a whole. The reality though is we are not.
It is important for each of us to remember that we are not apart from nature, but intrinsically part of it. Part of a planet wide interconnected web of interdependent life.
So whilst our modern society has done much to separate us from nature and our impacts on the planet, we need to regain this connection. There are many good reasons for doing this.
Firstly without feeling part of nature it is difficult for us to see the impacts our lives are having not only the wider planet but even our local environment or neighbourhood. If you aren’t looking for the birds, you won’t notice when they have gone until one day you realise the birdsong has stopped. Without noticing this you may struggle to make the changes in your life we all need to make to lower our impact and take responsibility for our actions.
Secondly, when we connect to nature, walk in a forest or on a beach we all know the feeling that this brings. The joy, the calm, the connection. The impact on your mental and physical health should not be underestimated.
So how can you do this?
We should all spend some time each day reconnecting to nature. This may be just a simple walk at lunchtime through your local park…. but don’t just walk through thinking about that next email you need to send when you get back to the office, take time to actually stop and watch what is happening around you.
What birds can you see, what are they doing?
What plants surround you – what is happening to them?
Is it spring? Are they in bloom? Or is it autumn / fall with the leaves starting to turn and fall?
These simple observations can over time, help us to connect with our local ecosystem and feel more grounded and relaxed.
Why not try growing plants and vegetables in your garden, on your balcony or in your house. This way you can watch the miracle of seeds sprouting or vegetables growing or butterflies finding that plant you bought and planted.
If you can, go away and disconnect from modern life for a few days as often as you can. Ditch the laptop & social media. Find wild places and go hiking, swimming, camping. Lie on your back and watch the stars or listen to the rain in the forest.
Follow these actions on a regular basis and the results may surprise you!
P.S. If you are curious to discover what food and lifestyle choices and Yoga style to practice for your specific mind-body type, the first step is to take my Dosha quiz and discover your Ayurvedic Dosha – your mind-body type!
You will then receive some practical tips & recommendation on which foods, lifestyle habits and Yoga style are best for your specific Dosha.