How to Find and Fulfill Your Life Purpose – Dharma
Finding my life purpose – Dharma
My first ever class as a newly qualified Yoga teacher was pretty scary but exciting at the same time. I had about 15 colleagues in front me.
Everyone was looking very curious, waiting for my instruction. I was terrified. I was only used to teaching a couple of my friends during my teacher training.
15 minutes later, after finishing rounds of sun salutations, I knew this is it. This is something I’ve wanted to feel for a long time. Doing something I love. Giving something I love.
6 years later, every class I have taught has been a learning process for me, but I loved every single second of it.
I finally found something that I truly love and wanted for my long term career.
I also enjoyed the business side of yoga. I decided to run my own yoga classes instead of being employed by a yoga studio or by a health club. It has been challenging and a lot of hard work. I’ve learnt a lot about doing business.
I’ve also learnt to be myself and believe in what I do.
Like all other jobs, there are ups and downs being self-employed.
Getting rejection and being let down was a daily occurrence at the beginning of my Yoga teacher career.
Yoga is a super competitive industry and I started seeing the real Yoga teacher world. There is a beautiful side and ugly side like any industry.
I’ve learnt it is so important to be true to myself. Completing the yoga teacher training was just the beginning.
Fulfilling my life purpose – Dharma
I started my blog in April 2015 to share my journey and tips on healthy living. I’ve always loved writing as a child and although I stopped writing after coming to the UK as I had a difficult time with language. Being a mother-tongue Japanese speaker but coming to the UK at the age of 9, I never felt like I was fluent in either language. But after 20 years later, I felt comfortable writing in English and enjoyed blogging!
I also enjoyed the creative side of the business too. Developing and designing my own website from scratch has been great fun. I also love photography (I studied Photography at college!) and enjoy shooting food and other photos for my blog.
All the things I love are coming all together to form this business. This is why I know that Yoga is my life purpose which is called Dharma in Sanskrit.
My journey to discovering my life purpose
But I wasn’t always fulfilling my life purpose in my teens and 20s.
In fact I was feeling completely lost and unhappy with my life.
I studied Photography at college as my dream at the time was becoming a photojournalist and travel the world. But I realised I wasn’t able to go to the University to study photojournalism because I couldn’t afford the university fee – as I was an overseas student and course cost thousands of pounds a year (that was 15 years ago!). So I opted for going straight into finding a full-time job after college.
My first full-time office job was an Office Junior job. There was no opportunity to use my creativity in this job and although I was happy to earn reasonable money for the first time in my life, I was really unfulfilled with my job. But interestingly this very first office job was when I first tried Yoga! (I don’t remember much but an aching body the next day…)
My next few jobs happened to be in finance and I studied for an accounting qualification for the next few years. I didn’t hate numbers and I was good at number crunching. I really thought I found a perfect career for me!
The importance of understanding your Dosha – mind-body type
If I knew my Dosha – my mind-body type back then, I would have known that it wasn’t my perfect career for me.
I’m Vata Pitta – so although I have Pitta in me (Pitta types are great with details!) but I’m creative in nature (which is a Vata characteristics!). Vata types also love moving their bodies. Hint – do you know why practicing and teaching Yoga is my soul’s gifts and my life purpose?
(If you don’t know your Dosha, mind-body type take my Dosha quiz here!)
Finding your life purpose – step-by-step?
When I was in my teens and 20s, I wished someone would just tell me – this is your gift and this is your life purpose.
Instead, I spent years exploring and studying many different areas trying to work out what felt right. Fortunately I have never been scared of trying something new!
From studying social science at the Open University, a legal secretary course to an HR course. As you can guess, none of them really sparked joy in me. I was studying so that I could climb the corporate ladder like everyone else.
Until one day, I decided to go to Yoga class regularly and eventually started looking for a Yoga teacher training school.
I wish I could tell you a step-by-step how to find your life purpose…
But I believe your life purpose is something you find from within. In fact, it’s already there within you.
This is why I believe practicing Yoga and meditation as well as understanding your Dosha, mind-body type is so beneficial to finding your life purpose.
Yoga & meditation practice help develop self-awareness, clarity, courage and create the space for the life force energy to flow in your body and allow you to understand then achieve your full potential.
Understanding your Dosha, mind-body type will help you discover your true nature and innate talents.
We are all born with unique gifts and strengths.
The way we use our gifts and strengths is our choice – but wouldn’t it be beautiful if we can use our gifts and strengths in a way that make the world a better place?
If you have been longing to find your life purpose or wondering how you can fulfil your life purpose, meditate or journal today and ask this question.
“What ripple effect do I want to create in the world with my gifts and strengths, and in an area I am passionate about?”
For me, the ripple effect I want to create in the world is helping people integrate Yoga & Ayurveda into their daily lives so that they can experience their full potential and ultimately live a more content life that is both fulfilling and meaningful.
My 3 step to finding and fulfilling your life purpose – Dharma
So if I were to tell you a step-by-step ‘How to find and fulfil your life purpose’, this would be it!
Step 1:
Take my Dosha quiz and discover your Dosha, Ayurvedic mind-body type to explore your ‘true nature’ and your innate talent.
Step 2:
Meditate or journal and ask this question:
“What ripple effect do I want to create in the world with my gifts and strengths, and in an area I am passionate about?”
Step 3:
Practice regular Yoga & meditation to help develop self-awareness, clarity and courage to explore the possibilities of how you can fulfil your life purpose and take action! You can explore my Yoga videos designed to balance your unique Dosha.
Follow along on Instagram and send me a DM to say hello and let me know how you got on!
With Love & gratitude,
Risa xx