Your dominant Dosha is…
What is Dosha?
Doshas are the energies believed to circulate in the body and mind that make up every individual, which perform different physiological functions in the body and mental process.
And the differing proportions of these Doshas determine individual characteristics and physical constitutions.
It’s important to note that we all have three Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, but in different proportions, and usually we have one or two doshas that are more dominant – and this is how it makes us all unique.
And this becomes your natural constitution or true nature.
In your case, based on your answers, you have a high Vata constitution. But you will still have some Pitta and Kapha as well.
So keep reading to learn more about Kapha Dosha and their physical and psychological characteristics and tendencies!
Kapha Dosha
Kapha is composed of the Water & Earth elements.
Kapha means ‘what sticks’ and it’s the energy that controls cohesion and stability.
The qualities of Kapha are heavy, cold, humid & stable.

Kapha means ‘what sticks’ and it’s the energy that controls cohesion and stability.
The qualities of Kapha are heavy, cold, humid & stable.

Physical Characteristics
As a Kapha, you may be experiencing difficulty losing weight and may have tried different diets in the past but without any luck of maintaining the weight you desire.
You love to sleep and have a hard time getting up in the morning.
You are usually more on the cold side and tend to have cold hands and feet.
You tend to have low appetite and slow digestion and metabolism which might make you feel full or sluggish for hours after a meal.
You are prone towards bloating and heaviness which makes you want to just cuddle up with your loved ones or watch your favorite movies on the couch instead of getting out and exercising!
Personality & Psychological Characteristics
You are loving, caring, compassionate and easy-going nature. You are friendly and can get along with anyone.
You can be emotional and sentimental, and tend to cry very easily.
You tend to have a strong sense of attachment, like to be part of the group or community and have a hard time letting things go. And you tend to not like change and find change difficult.
When your Kapha is in balance, you are stable, content and peaceful. You are motivated and capable of achieving amazing things and thrive.
When your Kapha is out of balance, you tend to become lazy, stagnated, feel withdrawn and may suffer from depression.
The key to balancing Kapha is stimulation!