Ayurveda links challenging sleep patterns to imbalances in our Dosha. Discover how understanding your Ayurvedic Dosha can help sleep better.
Vata Dosha
How Practicing the Right Style of Yoga Can Help You Feel Calmer and More Peaceful in Your Mind & Body
Are you practicing the right style of Yoga for your mind-body type? Discover what Yoga style is best for you to feel calmer and more peaceful in your mind & body.
Vegan Recipe: Warm Buckwheat Soba Noodle Salad
Try this super easy to cook Japanese influenced vegan recipe Warm Buckwheat Soba Noodle Salad. It’s suitable for all Ayurvedic Dosha!
How to Calm and Declutter Your Mind
Our minds and thoughts can often feel uncontrollable and cluttered. Click the link and discover 7 ways you can calm and declutter your mind.
Carrot & Coriander Soup Recipe
Carrots form part of many soup recipes, but in this one they take centre stage! This soup is great to have in autumn through to winter and great for balancing Vata Dosha.
Celeriac & Quinoa Soup
Celeriac has a savoury, slightly earthy but pleasant taste and this soup is great to have in autumn through to winter and great for balancing Vata Dosha.
Grounding Carrot & Lentil Soup
This grounding carrot & lentil soup recipe is super simple and flexible. This soup is great to have in autumn through to winter and great for balancing Vata Dosha.
7 Simple Grounding Tools to Calm the Mind
Fear, anxiety and nervousness are all signs of Vata imbalances in the mind. Discover 7 simple grounding tools to calm the mind.
How to Stay Grounded and Nourished in Autumn
In Ayurveda, autumn is associated with the qualities of Vata. In this blog, I’ll be sharing tips and tools that will help you stay grounded and nourished through autumn to winter.
Vata Dosha
Your Ayurvedic Dosha and Sleep: How to Sleep Better
Ayurveda links challenging sleep patterns to imbalances in our Dosha. Discover how understanding your Ayurvedic Dosha can help sleep better.
How Practicing the Right Style of Yoga Can Help You Feel Calmer and More Peaceful in Your Mind & Body
Are you practicing the right style of Yoga for your mind-body type? Discover what Yoga style is best for you to feel calmer and more peaceful in your mind & body.
Vegan Recipe: Warm Buckwheat Soba Noodle Salad
Try this super easy to cook Japanese influenced vegan recipe Warm Buckwheat Soba Noodle Salad. It’s suitable for all Ayurvedic Dosha!
How to Calm and Declutter Your Mind
Our minds and thoughts can often feel uncontrollable and cluttered. Click the link and discover 7 ways you can calm and declutter your mind.
Carrot & Coriander Soup Recipe
Carrots form part of many soup recipes, but in this one they take centre stage! This soup is great to have in autumn through to winter and great for balancing Vata Dosha.
Celeriac & Quinoa Soup
Celeriac has a savoury, slightly earthy but pleasant taste and this soup is great to have in autumn through to winter and great for balancing Vata Dosha.
Grounding Carrot & Lentil Soup
This grounding carrot & lentil soup recipe is super simple and flexible. This soup is great to have in autumn through to winter and great for balancing Vata Dosha.
7 Simple Grounding Tools to Calm the Mind
Fear, anxiety and nervousness are all signs of Vata imbalances in the mind. Discover 7 simple grounding tools to calm the mind.
How to Stay Grounded and Nourished in Autumn
In Ayurveda, autumn is associated with the qualities of Vata. In this blog, I’ll be sharing tips and tools that will help you stay grounded and nourished through autumn to winter.